• Odor After Carpet Cleaning: What You Need To Know

    After having your carpets cleaned, you envision arriving home to a carpet that looks like new and a home that smells fresh. Unfortunately, you may arrive home to a house filled with odor after having your carpets cleaned. Read on to learn why your home may smell after a carpet cleaning and what you can do to rid your abode of the smell. What causes post-cleaning odor? There are a couple reasons that your home may smell after having your carpets cleaned.
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  • Five Questions For Window Washers

    You may be very diligent about cleaning your offices regularly, but windows are often ignored. Windows do need attention from time to time throughout the year, especially if they become stained from bird activity or debris from the environment. If you determine that your windows need cleaning from a professional window washer, ask these questions. What Kind of Chemicals Do You Use? Chemicals used can affect the windows themselves, as well as coatings, frames, and other materials on the building.
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  • Recently Switched Office Buildings? 3 Reasons To Begin Routine Cleaning

    As the manager of an office, it's your responsibility to make sure that all of your employees are able to work confidently in the space that you provide them with. If you've recently made the decision to switch office buildings, it's a good idea to look into what kinds of changes you should made so that the new office is an improvement. One of the best things you can set up after switching to the new office is routine cleaning.
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  • Three Tips For Preparing For Carpet Cleaning

    Getting your carpets cleaned is an excellent way to extend their lifespan and minimize the negative effects of built-up dirt and grime. However, the process can be time consuming. Here are a few things you can to do prepare your home for a professional carpet cleaning that will help you save time and minimize any damage to your belongings. Clear the Area The first thing you should do is clear out the area as much as possible.
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  • Preparing to Evacuate Your Home After Foreclosure Has Begun: What You Need to Do

    When the foreclosure process has begun on your home, there is a lot to do before you are expected to leave. Amongst the stress and possible depression you may feel at losing your home, you will have to figure out what your next steps are. Depending on where you live, you may have thirty days or an entire year to evacuate and remove your belongings. Here is a step-by-step guide on what to do next.
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  • 2 Reasons To Hire A Cleaning Service To Clean Your Theater

    If you own and operate your own movie theater, then you realize just how much work it is to keep it clean. Thankfully, you have the help of commercial cleaning services to reach the level of cleanliness that you would like. This article will discuss 2 reasons to hire a cleaning service to clean your theater.  They Can Take Care Of Deep Cleaning While you are obviously going to have your employees get rid of trash and sweep and vacuum the theaters between movies so that they are clean for the next showing, this doesn't take care of everything.
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  • Simple Tips For Keeping Your Bathroom Clean With Ease

    When it comes to housekeeping, one of the biggest challenges many people face is keeping the bathroom clean. With so many cracks, crevices and places for germs to hide, it's no surprise. Approaching the process with the right plan can help you methodically address each aspect of the bathroom to get it as clean as possible. Here are a few tips to help you do just that. Start With The Shower
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  • Three Basic Carpet Care Tips

    Caring for the carpet that is in your home can be a rather difficult task for those that are new homeowners. Considering the expense associated with replacing carpet, this can be an essential task to do. Fortunately, if you are mindful of these carpet care tips, you will be able to greatly reduce the risk of needing to prematurely replace the carpet in your home. Spot Test Any Cleaning Solutions
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  • Is Cat Urine Ruining Your Carpet? 3 Tips to Eliminate This Problem

    Cats are loveable creatures, but when they are urinating on your carpet on a regular basis, you may start to feel a little frustrated when you cannot solve the problem in a short period of time. This is no reason to disown your cat, but you may need to try out several methods until you find a reliable solution. If you are not catching the urine in time, you may notice the urine scent lingers for a while.
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  • How To Clean Your Entire Window Like A Pro

    Window cleaning is probably not something on your weekly cleaning list, maybe not even on your monthly cleaning list. It should be on your list though, as your windows help give you a great view of the world outside and add curb appeal to your homes exterior. Cleaning your windows both inside and out only takes a few minutes per window. See below for helpful tips on how to clean your windows like a professional.
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