• Best Way To Clean Your Tile Flooring On A Budget

    Choosing tile for the flooring in your kitchen and bathrooms adds a sense of elegance to the home. There are plenty of tile cleaning products on the market, but this option costs quite a bit of money. For homeowners on a budget, there is still a way to keep your surfaces looking like new without overspending on professional grade products.  Use Your Vacuum The first step in keeping your tile nice and clean is to vacuum it every other day.
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  • How To Remove Pet Stains And Odors From Carpeting

    Pets can be detrimental to your carpeting with things like urine, vomit and other accident stains. Some stains can be easily removed, but accidents that happen when you aren't home, are set in and dry can be a little more difficult to remove. The odors left behind can also be difficult to remove, not to mention they can be embarrassing when you have visitors. See below for tips on how to remove pet stains and odors from your carpeting.
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  • How To Clean The 4 Most Common Stains From Carpeting

    Regularly vacuuming and occasional steam cleaning are great ways to keep your carpet looking like new. Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent every spill or accident from leaving a stain on your precious flooring. Should you encounter one of the following four most common stains, there's no need to fret. These can be removed in a few easy steps.  Pet Urine Dogs and cats may have an accident on your carpeting if they can't get outside or to their litter box in a timely manner.
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  • Have A Carpet Beetle Infestation? 3 Ways To Keep Them Away After Carpet Cleaning

    Carpet beetles are nasty creatures that will not only destroy the carpet in your home, but most fabric. So, it is essential to eliminate them as soon as you notice an infestation. While you can certainly call a professional exterminator to handle the problem, you can opt for an alternative route. This course involves getting your carpets professionally cleaned while investing in your own preventive measures. Deter Bird Nests in the Backyard
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  • Is It Time for Professional Upholstery Cleaning?

    Upholstered furniture can be a lovely addition to any home. Unfortunately, however, this type of furniture also has a way of getting dirty quickly and of showing its age long before non-fabric furniture. For regular, everyday cleaning, a simple swabbing with a damp cloth will usually do the trick for getting rid of dust, dirt, and minor surface stains. With that said, however, there does come a time when basic cleaning isn't enough and when you will require the services of a professional upholstery cleaning company.
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  • Keeping Your Company's Carpeting Clean During Inclement Weather

    If you recently had new carpeting installed inside your company building, you will want to take the needed steps in protecting it from unnecessary wear. During inclement weather, your carpet will be prone to an abundance of debris left behind as people walk upon it. To reduce the risk of altering your carpet's appearance, take the following precautionary steps to protect it during stormy weather. Keep On Top Of The Weather Forecast Knowing when inclement weather is supposed to hit will help you prepare for carpet protecting at a higher level.
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  • 2 Tips For Installing A Concrete Sidewalk

    Business owners with a basic understanding of concrete work often choose to perform tasks like putting in a new sidewalk on their own. Yet even if you have a firm understanding of the fundamentals, you may find the results less than satisfactory if you don't arm yourself with a few additional tips. If your commercial landscaping plans involve installing a new sidewalk on your property, read on. This article will present two helpful things you may not know about working with concrete.
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  • Carpet Care Details

    Learning tips and tricks for caring for your carpet will help you to keep it looking good longer. This will help you with maintaining a home that you feel proud of when you invite guests over. It can also prolong the amount of time you can go without needing to have your carpet replaced, which can be a large expense you may have a hard time fitting into your budget. Reading this article will help you to learn ways you can help keep your caret looking better longer.
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  • Expecting A Baby? 4 Reasons House Cleaning Services Can Help

    Once you get pregnant, your life changes in a drastic way. Not only will you be bringing life into the world in around nine months, but you have to take care of yourself and the baby until then. However, during this time, you should put a halt to certain activities such as rigorous exercise and house cleaning. While you may be used to taking care of much of the cleaning on your own, there are a number of great benefits that professional house cleaners can provide.
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  • Restore An Older Kitchen With Thorough Backsplash Care

    Restoring the condition of a backsplash in an older kitchen can make an enormous difference in how the kitchen looks and your enjoyment while cooking. If you have a tile backsplash that you enjoy but are unhappy with the way it looks or the condition of it, there are a number of projects that you can take care of. With special care devoted to the backsplash in your older kitchen, you can make an enormous difference in how it looks and how much you enjoy cooking and the space.
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